Drug Rehab Directory
Being listed in a drug rehab directory is one way to improve you websites overall SEO strategy. But will it bring you business? This will depend on the amount of visitors the addiction treatment center directory has currently going to it, and what are doing to drive in new traffic.
So let’s discuss a list of drug rehabs in the U.S. Unfortunately, many treatment centers built a directory of substance abuse treatment centers for the sole purpose of acquiring leads for their own addiction treatment center or for their affiliates.
To find a list of addiction treatment centers that have no affiliation with any type of rehabs themselves is a difficult challenge. Many are hidden among layers of marketing corporations.
This does not mean there is not value in listing your center In a drug rehab directory. Visitors may still land on your “listing” when searching “list of drug rehabs near me” and if you are not in there the client could go to your local competitor.
We have made a short list below of some that have a national rehab directory:
1. The Recover – TheRecover.com is the top our list because it appears to ne the only drug rehab directory to offers daily news. This drug news provider drives I thousands of new visitors daily by having their journalists writing about trending news stories.
2. SAMSHA – The SAMSHA national rehab directory is the government website for people looking for different types of treatment. SAMSHA has millions of people visiting their site. They offer a large list of drug rehabs in the U.S. If you are opening a treatment center, SAMSHA should be a great resource. Be sure to make sure to submit to their current 2019 list of addiction treatment centers.
3. Rehabs.com – Rehabs.com national rehab directory is probably the most well-known drug rehab directory on the internet. Rehabs.com offers an advertising platform on their directory called client reach, where treatment centers can have a customized listing that drives leads and phone calls to their center.
4. Psychology Today – Psychologytoday.com has a directory of substance abuse treatment centers built within their massive website packed with information. They offer latest from the world of psychology: from behavioral research to practical guidance on relationships, mental health and addiction.
5. AddictionCenter.com – Addiction Center is another national rehab directory that provides info on addiction, treatment and recovery. Learn more about signs, symptoms and signs. Drug rehabs can add their own listing and be featured as a featured directory listing.
Listing an Addiction Treatment Business Online
When it comes to online businesses, 8 out of 10 people turn to online drug rehab directories for their needs. With that kind of ratio, it’s important to have your business listed. Online rehab directories are the marketing highpoint of the internet. More than 80 percent of all business purchases are completed by doing an online search through business directories. You simply cannot afford to not have your business listed in one. They can increase the traffic to your website while also promoting your site. It is a very efficient and affordable way to advertise your business.
There are hundreds of types of directories online so many of them cater to a list of addiction treatment centers. It’s important to do some research about directories before signing up for one. You want to make sure you are getting the best exposure for your potential client. However, it is a good idea to list your business in multiple directories, including a national rehab directory.
After erecting a business from the ground up you might think the hard part is over but for an online business, it’s just beginning. Advertisement is important and you want to make sure that your business is in a list of drug rehabs in many different directories. This will drive more people to your website. Otherwise, your website could remain silent resulting in a quiet business too. You can’t build a website and hope that it pops up in search engines. That is why listing in a drug rehab directory is so important.
Full Story: https://knackmedia.com/drug-rehab-directory/
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